Au Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel

Une enseignante passionnée et enthousiaste, des enfants curieux, à la rencontre de Dürrenmatt, le vendredi 27 novembre 2015. Des enfants préparés par Elisabeth Houweling, qui avec leur fascicule en main, découvrent le CDN, posent des questions, proposent des réponses.... à Madeleine Betschart, directrice du Centre, qui a eu la gentillesse de nous accueillir.

Des instants magiques...

Impressions d'Elisabeth Houweling: We had a superb morning and we started on a beautiful terrace of Centre Dürrenmatt with a blue sky, sunshine and a clear view on Neuchâtel. Ms Madeleine BETSCHART, Director Centre Dürrenmatt showed the house of Friedrich Dürrenmatt and pointed out where Friedrich’s room was and the room of Charlotte, his second wife (his first wife died). She could show too where Mario BOTTA (The architect of Centre Dürrenmatt) started connecting the Centre/Museum with the old house. Children knew everything about the architect and when Ms Betschart asked who the architect of Centre Dürrenmatt was they all answered: “Mario BOTTA”! And she was very pleased. We visited the photo gallery of Dürrenmatt where children recognized many photos from their little book like Dürrenmatt with the parrot (this is their favorite picture!). And a young Dürrenmatt of which some children thought it was his father. After 3 quarters of an hour the concentration span of children diminished and we had planned a snack and drink in the restaurant of the Museum. Well it was bread and chocolate so this break was very successful.

Before leaving all children wrote their name in the Reception book and thanked Ms Betschart for her hospitality (normally the museum is not yet open at 09:00H).

After that they dressed again and we walked to the bus stop and drove to the train station in order to go down by Funambule.


Les droits humains en jeu de questions

Des spécialistes de la migration de l’UniNE ont collaboré à un jeu de société réalisé par le Service de la cohésion multiculturelle de l'Etat de Neuchâtel.


Stop au harcèlement avec Max et Lili

Le harcèlement est un comportement hostile qui malheureusement revient à chaque nouvelle année scolaire dans les cours d'écoles.


ALPS - L'Ordinateurs les plus puissants au monde

Point de Vue

Lutter contre le réchauffement climatique

Un rayon de soleil qui se réjouit de rebondir sur la glace du Grand Nord comme il en a l’habitude, sauf que, cette fois, il est happé par l’océan Arctique et ne parvient plus à retraverser l’atmosp